108.413A: Studies in Computational Linguistics1

Hyopil Shin (Dept. of Linguistics, Seoul National University)

hpshin@snu.ac.kr, http://knlp.snu.ac.kr
Tue  2:00 to 5:00 in building 1 room 103



(http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/11/11208078/lee-se-dol-go-google-kasparov-jennings-ai) ( http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-bert/)

Course Description

Recently deep learning  approaches have obtained very high performance across many different computational linguistics or Natural Language Processing (NLP). This course provides an introduction to the Neural Network Model and  deep learning methodologies applied to NLP from scratch. On the model side we will start from basic notions of Neural Networks such as linear/logistic regression, perceptrons, backpropagations, and parameter optimizations. Then we will  cover actual Neural Network models including Feedforward, Convolutional, Recurrent, and Long Short Term Neural Networks. Along the lines of the models, various word/sentence/contextual embeddings and attention mechanism will also be dealt with in depth. The first part of the class focuses on the basics of neural network models and the second part covers actual implementations of NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis(movie/text classifications), and text generations. We will take advantage of modules from Python 3.x and  PyTorch. Through lectures and programming assignments students will learn the necessary implementation tricks for making neural networks work on practical problems.  


  • Please set up python, pytorch, and colab for class!

Useful Sites

  • Lectures

Textbook and Sites


Deep Learning from Scratch (밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝), by 사이토 고키, 한빛출판사. Deep Learning From Scratch source codes

DL wizard

Deep Learning Tutorials based on PyTorch


Date Topics Related Materials and           Resources
1 9/1-9/7

Introduction to Computational Linguistics / Natural Language Processing


Install Python 3.x and  PyTorch

모두를 위한 머신러닝/딥러닝(홍콩과기대 김성훈 교수)
  • Linear Regression의 개념:비디오, 강의 슬라이드
  • Linear Regression cost함수 최소화: 비디오, 강의 슬라이
  • 여러 개의 입력(feature)의 Linear Regression: 비디오, 강의 슬라이드
  • Logistic Regression classification: 강의 슬라이드-Hypothesis 함수 소개: 비디오- cost 함수 소개: 비디오

How to Implement Simple Linear Regression From Scratch with Python

Logistic Regression for Machine Learning

2 9/8-9/14 Introduction to a Neural Network PyTorch:
딥러닝 개념잡기
3 9/15-9/21 Introduction to a Neural Network PyTorch:
  HomeWork Assignment 1: Backpropagation Calculation in Pytorch (refer to ETL)
4 9/22-9/28

Introduction to a Neural Network

  • Parameter Optimization
  • Weight Decay
  • Batch Normalization
  • DropOut

Hyper-parameter Tuning Techniques in Deep Learning

An Overview of Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithm

New State of the Art AI Optimizer: Rectified Adam (RAdam)

New Deep Learning Optimizer, Ranger: Synergistic combination of RAdam + LookAhead for the best of both


5 9/29-10/5

Introduction to a Neural Network

  • Parameter Optimization
  • Weight Decay
  • Batch Normalization
  • DropOut

Hyper-parameter Tuning Techniques in Deep Learning

An Overview of Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithm

New State of the Art AI Optimizer: Rectified Adam (RAdam)

New Deep Learning Optimizer, Ranger: Synergistic combination of RAdam + LookAhead for the best of both



6 10/6-10/12

Convolutional Neural Network

Understanding Convolutional Neural Network for  NLP


HomeWork Assignment 2: Convolutional Neural Networks Paper 요약 (refer to ETL)

7 10/13-10/19


Reccurent Neural Network
A Friendly Introduction to Recurrent Neural Network

Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network and Gated Recurrent Unit


8 10/20-10/26 Encoder-Decoder
Encoder-Decoder Long Short-Term Memory Networks
A Gentle Introduction to LSTM Autoencoders
Step-by-step Understanding LSTM Autoencoder layers


9 10/27-11/2 Attention Model
Neural Machine Translation By Jointly Learning to Align and Translate

Attention: Illustrated Attention
Attention and Memory in Deep Learning and NLP
Translation with Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention
HomeWork Assignment 3: Attention is All you need(refer to ETL) 
10 11/3-11/9 Transformer
Self Attention: Attention is All you need

The Illustrated Transformer
Seq2Seq Pay Attention to Self Attention: Part I
Seq2seq Pay Attention to Self Attention: Part 2

Translation with Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention

PyTorch-Transformers by Huggingface and Full Documentation


BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

What is XLNet and why it outperforms BERT?
XLNet - a clever language modeling solution
XLNET -SOTA pre-training method that outperforms BERT

XLM - Enhancing BERT for Cross-lingual Language Model

Introducing FastBert - A Simple Deep Learning Library for BERT Models

RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretaining Approach

RoBERTa: An optimized method for self-supervised NLP systems

Distilling BERT - How to achieve BERT performance using Logistic Regression

Meet ALBERT: a new 'Lite BERT' from Google & Toyota With State of the ART NLP performance and 18x fewer parameters

BERT, RoBERTa, DIstilBERT, XLNet - which one to use?

The Annotated Transformer

BERT Fine Tuning
BERT Fine-Tuning Tutorial with PyTorch
Painless Fine-Tuning of BERT in Pytorch

The Latest Breakthroughs and Developments in Natural Language Processing
HomeWork Assignment 4: BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa, DistilBERT Fine Tuning (refer to ETL) 

12 11/17-11/23 Assignment4:BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa, DistilBERT Fine Tuning Presentation

NLP Task 1: Sentiment Analysis
PyTorch Sentiment Analysis (IMDB)
NLP Task 2: Sentiment Analysis for Korean
Naver Movie Review Sentiment Analysis

A Comprehensive Introduction to Torchtext

Torchtext Github
Get ready for your presentation!
13 11/24-11/30

Embeddings (word embeddings)

Sebastian Ruder의 On word Embeddings Part1, 2, 3, 4:  A hands-on Intuitive Approach to Deep Learning Methods for Text Data - Word2Vec, Glove, and FastText

The Current Best of Universal Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings



Word Embeddings: Encoding Lexical Semantics

BERT Word Embedding

Guest Talk in Class on 11/26:

Character Mining: Machine Comprehension By Prof. Jinho Choi at Emory University

Linguistics Colloquium on 11/26 at 5:00:
Emora: Social Chatbot that Cares For you By Prof. Jinho Choi at Emory University

14 12/8-12/14
NLP Task 2: Chatbot
Chatbot Tutorial

NLP Task 3: Generating and Classifying Names with a Character-Level RNN


15 12/15-12/21 Final Project Presentation